Pastor Louis Rush

Louis and Rachel RushLouis came to know our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ, at 24 years old while he was employed as a maintenance man by the Texas Baptist Encampment in Palacios Tx. The camp administrator began mandatory Bible Studies for all camp personnel & it didn't take long for God to speak through his Word to touch Louis' heart and bring him into a saving relationship with a loving Father God.

From there, Louis went on to serve God in his local church & shortly thereafter was called into full time Christian ministry while sponsoring a youth group at the same camp. Since then, Louis has served in various churches as a youth minister, missions minister, and pastor. He has been at Trinity since 2007 and has a heart to share the wonderful name of Jesus both at home and abroad.

Wesley Batchelder
Paul Hunt

Youth and Music Minister
Travis Parks

FISH Director
Stacy Batchelder

Sunday School Director
Rachel Rush